Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hot off the press!

News Flash!!! ~Elisa is coming back to America in late December! ~ The plan is to spend Christmas with my sis in NYC, swing by OK to get my stuff, and make it to Houston before New Years! Now, you may be wondering..."WHY?! Huh?!" And it may take too long to blog about it now but to appease those curious minds, I'll just say for now its for numerous reasons both personal and professional alike. Not only is it a good stopping point for me here, but also I am rather ready to be go home. I will email my 2nd, and well, final (lol) newsletter soon. I haven't written/blogged as much since I've been busy finishing things up here and going to Nairobi almost every weekend to visit my other vol friends. (See pic for some of the fun I've had with other vols in Nairobi). When I visit Nai, I stay with 2 other girls there in an area called South B. But we fondly call it South Beach Sorority. :) It is literally my 2nd home now since I have a cot there too. :) I cook lovely things for them on the weekend in return for their company and shacking me up. I realized how MUCH I miss cooking. So I must say the last few weeks have been great! Plus, my dearest friend Haley will be visiting me in T-minus 3 days and we're going to Lamu (islands in Kenya) together for a week! There will be a cultural festival during the weekend. Woot woot! To be honest, I can't even wrap my head around the fact that its almost Christmas here. The weather is so warm I just keep thinking I'm in some sort of eternal summer "twilight zone." Its nice because its not unbearablly hot but at the same time, I wouldn't mind some "Christmas-y" weather. Plus, I will have a wicked tan for Christmas I guess. Anyhoo, just wanted to let ya'll know that I'll be seeing ya'll soon! :) Yippee! Will update you more soon!

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