So get this.... one of my routines in the week now is watching WWE Smack Down with my twenty-something year-old Boy Scout friends who work at the guest house I'm staying at. Seriously though, I just got done watching Kane, Cena, Kofi and Batista have a throw down while finishing my meal and chatting with Willis and Peter who are Scouts and absolutely in LOVE with WWE. Sadly, I had to break the news to Willis that WWE is not real (like Santa isn't real). He was in denial at first but finally realized that maybe the long-haired, speedo-wearing muscle men really didn't act like that in real life. I was pinching myself thinking "OMG am I really in Kenya right now watching WWE with 25-year old Kenyan Boy Scouts....someone please wake me up!" Not that its a bad thing. I actually really like it. In fact, I take comfort in it since ....ok..fine.. I used to watch WWF with my dad when I was younger and I LOVED it too. I can bond with the guys as we wince or yell "Ohhhh," "Ouch!" or "BAM!" at the stunts (and terrible acting). Ha! And you thought I'd be in some hut eating dirt....
hahaha, i'm glad you're doing well. :)
I'm a little hurt that you would never watch wrestling in America with me now!
WWE huh? I actually got to see Macho Man Randy Savage wrestle against the Ultimate Warrior in San Antonio a long time ago.
Good to hear you are doing great. Keep up the posts!
By the way, the best Wrestlemania was Wrestlemania IV when they had the big tournament for the WWF World Championship Belt.
Maybe you should introducing them to UFC. Then they can watch some real fighting ;-)
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